1st: Lake-Sumter State College
Second Place: Saint Leo University
Third Place: University of ZZZ
Dishonorable runner up: University of QQQ
First Place: Lake-Sumter State College
Second Place: Saint Leo University
Third Place: University of ZZZ
Dishonorable runner up: University of QQQ
Ratio of money spent on administrators as compared to tenure track faculty.
Universities are spending an increasing amount on upper administration. This seems to be a combination of hiring an increasing number of upper administrators ('deanlets') and paying them higher salaries (compared to faculty).
The top graph shows BLOAT INDEX* values for 2013
The middle graph shows BLOAT INDEX values for 2023.
The bottom graph shows the increase in BLOAT over the last decade.
* $ spent on upper administration / $ spent on tenure track faculty
We base our measures of administrative bloat on National Center for Education Statistics data.
Here, we focus on higher level administrative bloat (costs associated with 'management' rather than costs associated with 'administrative support').
BLOAT - [total $ spent on upper administrators*] / [total dollars spent on tenure track faculty].
BLOAT PERSONNEL - [total number of upper administrators*] / [total number of tenure track faculty].
BLOAT PERCENTILE - This is related to BLOAT, but we calculate percentile values separately for medical. vs.. non-medical schools, Color coding reflects the BLOAT INDEX.
* Categorized in the NCES as upper management.
Gary Smith argues that both faculty and students should be considered a distraction and financial burden given that the primary role of universities seems to be to benefit administrators. The college might slightly modify its mission statement, which currently begins: “Throughout its history, Pomona College has educated students of exceptional promise.” An updated mission statement might begin: “Pomona College is dedicated to sustaining and advancing the careers of administrators of exceptional promise.”
University administrative bloat has skyrocketed over the last decade. As a result, student fees have risen dramatically, while the ratio of student to tenure-track faculty has dropped. There is bipartisan consensus that reducing unnecessary administrative costs could make college more affordable.
University administrative bloat has skyrocketed over the last decade. As a result, student fees have risen dramatically, while the ratio of student to tenure-track faculty has dropped. There is bipartisan consensus that reducing unnecessary administrative costs could make college more affordable.
There is corruption and waste in our universities, with likely annual losses in the billiions. The unique lack of accountability of university administrators is doing real financial damage to our institutions and students.
Universities have lost their way. With the development of a professional administrative class universities have become businesses. We need to return to our core mission - the creation and dissemination of knowledge.
Our goal is to support individuals who are troubled by ethical violations in their institutions. It's a difficult decision, choosing whether or not to whistleblow. TBA will try to help by facilitating open and confidential discussions with colleagues, legal experts, and trusted journalists.